HypnoBirthing & Antenatal Classes Birth Doula

Pregnancy | Birth | Early Parenthood


Sussex, Surrey & Kent

Protecting the sacredness of birth, in a world that has forgotten….

Feel held, connected, empowered and informed. Birthing With Love aims to give the power back to the mother through premium, carefully designed courses and loving birth support…completely transforming your experience of pregnancy and birth.

There is no better feeing in the world than feeling calm, connected and confident about meeting your baby.  

Let me share my years of experience and wealth of knowledge, to get you one step closer to the birth experience that is right for you.

Birthing With Love Hypnobirthing pregnant belly holding a sprig of leaves


Experience the ultimate preparation for birth…feel calm, relaxed, informed and empowered - Far from a standard β€˜off the shelf', pre-recorded course. This is full knowledge, support and preparation. Feel the benefits, whether you plan to give birth at home, in a birth centre, hospital or even for a planned Caesarean birth! The perfect lifelong investment for you and your baby.

Doula in Sussex, Surrey, Kent Holding a birthing with love baby

Birth Support - Doula Services

Feel held, supported and confident that someone is on your side and by your side as you prepare to meet your baby. I am here for you from the moment you book me as your Doula. I will be your continuity of care, your space holder and the guardian of your birth. However and wherever you have your baby …I will walk with you every step of the way!


Share the journey.

Mum of 3 boys (my Hypno babies)
I’m a Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Teacher, Home Birth Consultant & Birth Doula!
It’s my mission to help you feel supported, remove any fear & replace it with knowledge, confidence & excitement

Start your journey with calm confidence & a whole lot of love πŸ’•


β€œLet choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life”

β€” Maya Angelou