Rosie and Alex’s first baby- home, water birth experience
Yvette Szarzynska Yvette Szarzynska

Rosie and Alex’s first baby- home, water birth experience

Rosie and Alex had their first baby at home in a birthing pool using hypnobirthing techniques…”It was the most euphoric and wonderful moment of my whole life. The feeling of joy is one I could never put into words. The whole birth was so beautiful and empowering.” Rosie.

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Clarisse and Bobby’s birth experience
Yvette Szarzynska Yvette Szarzynska

Clarisse and Bobby’s birth experience

My baby ended up being 3 weeks past my due date and during that time Yvette was my rock in helping me to navigate the healthcare system who were pushing me to get induced which I really didn’t want.

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The empowering home birth of baby Marnie
Yvette Szarzynska Yvette Szarzynska

The empowering home birth of baby Marnie

For my part, I had gone from apprehension about my ability to get through the birthing experience at all, to excited anticipation and being enthusiastic to try the techniques I'd learned. I had already used them successfully during blood tests, as until this point I had a fear of needles that had been with me since childhood, and was impressed with how effective the breathing had been in helping me deal with that fear.

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The Birth of baby Theodore Arlo
Yvette Szarzynska Yvette Szarzynska

The Birth of baby Theodore Arlo

I was pregnant and lost in a pandemic until I found Yvette, I was an anxious wreck about birth after hearing loads of horror stories. I started my classes and instantly felt calmer about what I was to expect, we covered so many aspects it was easy to take it all in.

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My home birth story! Wow, where to begin…
Yvette Szarzynska Yvette Szarzynska

My home birth story! Wow, where to begin…

I had a midwife appointment on a Friday and that week I’d been in hospital again for reduced movement and they said if I was 39 weeks they would induce me which I really didn’t want, so I asked my midwife about a sweep and she said yes and when she has done the sweep we found out I was 2cms dilated and said this could either help or might not do anything.

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Pauline James birth story
Yvette Szarzynska Yvette Szarzynska

Pauline James birth story

I started to be in labour on Monday morning. Gradually throughout the day, my surges became regular and stronger. Even though I started being in labour, I was still encouraged to have a chat about induction with the medical staff as I was 41+5 weeks then. But I kept on declining.

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