My home birth story! Wow, where to begin…

I had a midwife appointment on a Friday and that week I’d been in hospital again for reduced movement and they said if I was 39 weeks they would induce me which I really didn’t want, so I asked my midwife about a sweep and she said yes and when she did the sweep we found out I was 2cms dilated and said this could either help or might not do anything. 

I’d already been getting cramps before the appointment and the baby just felt so low I knew it would be that weekend at some point. Friday evening and Saturday I just relaxed and chilled as much as possible. Sunday morning I woke up about 4.30 am to quite a strong pain and knew the baby would be coming soon! I woke Jake up and we got ready and went for a walk, I had the Homebirth team’s number and sent them a message late morning. They said to start timing surges and call when they’re closer they also said you’ll know when you’re in labour because of the ‘pain’.

The surges eased off early afternoon, so I relaxed watched some Netflix, had a nap and I woke up about 5 pm with strong period-like pain. The surges came back but still wasn’t close together and they weren’t taking my breath away like they said they should. 

The midwife I had seen the whole way through was starting her shift at 7 pm and said she would come by to see how I am and maybe check me over. 

She watched me for a bit and then asked to check me just to see because she couldn’t really tell from my body language that I was in labour, I was just breathing and relaxing when the surges were coming. So she checked me over and I was 4cms, she said she was going to work to pack the car and call her when I think I need her. After an hour the surges were a lot closer together so she came back, I remember I was just walking around the kitchen swaying my hips as sitting down was too much pressure below. 

Around 10 pm she wanted to check me again because she just wasn’t sure if I was progressing into full labour or not as I was just so calm and relaxed! I was 7cm!!! Time to get to pool filled up and the second midwife to arrive. I spent around 4 hours in the pool and out of nowhere I could feel my body every time a surge came on push down it was amazing! We got out of the pool to try different positions to help move the baby down, Jake was incredible he kept me relaxed and I felt so safe. At 4.23 baby’s head was out and at 4.25 with the help of Jake our beautiful baby girl arrived! 

Get in touch to find out how a Birthing With Love course can help you too.

Yvette Szarzynska

I’m a Hypnobirthing Practitioner & NCT Antenatal TeacherI love everything about birth and babies! 💕


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