Hi, I’m Yvette, I am an Antenatal Teacher, Hypnobirthing Practitioner and Birth Doula.

I have made it my mission to transform feelings of fear and anxiety around birth, into calm confidence and excitement.

This miracle that is unfolding in your lives right now should not be tainted with negativity and worry and if it is, that’s where I come in!  I will arm you with all the knowledge, tools and support to make this journey the most special and magical one that you and your baby deserve. Your birth experience is a memory that you will all carry forward for a lifetime. I truly believe that birth is a sacred event that should be honoured and celebrated, something that our modern culture has sadly forgotten. My aim is to remind you how amazing and powerful you are, build trust in yourself and your body and protect the sacredness of birth.

“Hypnobirthing gave us the knowledge and tools to feel prepared and helped me remain relaxed and calm leading up to the birth, even in the middle of a global pandemic”

Since taking the leap to follow my dreams back in 2015, I have supported hundreds of families. I have helped them to reframe their thoughts around birth, have empowering birth experiences and smooth out the steep transitional curve of becoming a parent.  I have loved every second!  It has been an honour to work with each and every family, who all hold a special place in my heart.

So where did my journey begin? I am a proud mother of 3 wonderful boys, my passion for all things birth and the baby began after having my first child back in 2009.

Back then I hadn’t really given labour much thought, I always knew I wanted children and my husband and I were excited to be pregnant with our first child. It was my husband who suggested we do a hypnobirthing course to prepare for birth. His colleague had an amazing experience with hypnobirthing and highly recommended it. I was open to the idea and happy to give it a go. We attended the course and the experience brought us even closer together. We looked forward to our weekly sessions, we practised the breathing techniques and visualisations and I listened to my CD (yes, we still used CDs back then), we were so excited about meeting our little baby. But it wasn’t until I experienced labour and birth firsthand that I realised how powerful and special having a Hypnobirth actually was.  

The birth ended up being pretty medicalised, which went against my personal wishes and my birth plan.  Despite all odds, using the hypnobirthing techniques that I had learned and the continuous support of my partner, I was able to birth without any pain relief or assistance. Don’t get me wrong, it was by no means a walk in the park and I didn’t really see it as a success story but it appeared that my birth was the talk of the labour ward. Midwives were coming in to meet me, they were all talking about the “amazing HypnoBirth” that happened the night before….and then I thought, ”wow, if this was a good birth what must the bad ones look like??!”  “If what I achieved was so impressive, why don’t all women learn to birth like this?”  This lifted my spirits, yet I was still frustrated that so many decisions had been taken away from me. But life is a journey and I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason and from that moment on, the seed had been planted. 

Shortly after having my second ‘hypno’ baby at home, three years later and doing a lot of research into birth (as well as reflecting on my own experiences), I retrained and studied to become an NCT Antenatal Teacher with the University of Worcester. I wanted to empower and educate women and families to have better birth experiences.

Yvette Szarzyńska, Birthing With Love Hypnobirthing and Antenatal teacher and Doula.  Portrait, smiling at the camera wearing a pink shirt

Proud mum of 3 boys - my hypnobabies

About to leave the hospital with our firstborn back in 2009

My second baby, home birth, newborn hypnobirthing

Our second hypnobaby was born at home

“We had a really beautiful, calm, empowered and positive birth experience and now have a wonderful little boy.  Thank you for everything!”

Qualified Antenatal and HypnoBirthing Teacher

I birthed my third baby in our bathroom with only my husband to support me

Since teaching my first course in 2015, I have supported hundreds of parents


After another couple of years, I went on to complete my qualification as a Hypnobirthing Practitioner with the world-renowned HypnoBirthing Institute.  I followed the Original hypnobirthing programme - Hypnobirthing the Mongan Method, created by Marie Mongan. 

Today, I continue to teach NCT Antenatal courses, mainly within East Grinstead and Crawley, as well as private hypnobirthing courses in Sussex, Surrey and Kent.  To book a private course send me an enquiry and we can arrange a call.

A few years later, I had my third baby at home, shortly after relocating from London to West Sussex.  This was my most empowering birth experience by far and has sparked a particular interest for helping parents to explore their options around home birth. I particularly focus on creating safe, inviting and personalised experiences, regardless of birth setting, even within a conventional hospital birthing room.

My third experience was so enriching that it changed my whole approach to the early days with a newborn.  This was the moment that Birthing With Love was born

I decided to make my Hypnobirthing course more personal and informative. I completed further training with Love Your Birth and wrote my own Birthing With Love Hypnobirtrhing course. I absolutely love teaching Hypnobirthing and get so excited to see the differences it makes to so many couples. I also wanted to provide preparation for life with your baby too.

Birthing With Love offers a collection of carefully designed hypnobirthing and Beyond The Bump classes to fully prepare parents for pregnancy, birth and the early days.  

Birthing With Love, Beyond The Bump sessions will prepare you practically and give you a deep understanding of the needs of your baby, as well as looking at your own needs during this special and delicate time in your lives.  Enjoy the ability to get in touch with your own innate parenting intuition, and connect with your baby, without second-guessing and wasting hours searching Google for answers!

Happy Babies = Happy Parents - Happy Parents = Happy Babies!!

“I couldn't recommend this course with Yvette more, I'm so happy she has enhanced our journey”

Have a look at the full list of Birthing With Love courses to help you get ready and excited about birth and parenting, book your spot!

Most recently, I was honoured to have been invited to become an Artemis Birth Attendant Academy Lecturer on the most incredible international Birth Keeper course, training Birth Keepers and traditional birth attendants.

Doula Support

I couldn’t stop at birth education…I was desperate to help at the birth too. I wanted to support couples in their pregnancy journey through to having their baby in their arms, feeling fully supported and held at all times.

I completed my Doula training with When Push Comes To Shove My Doula training focuses on traditional birth support and birth advocacy, combining traditional, spiritual and modern day birth knowledge.

I love being a Doula and supporting couples and families during the most magical and transformational time in their lives.

Want to find out more about how I can enrich your personal journey?  Why not schedule a discovery call with me?  Ask me all your questions and get a feel for why Birthing With Love courses and my Doula support is like no other!

With love, Yvette x