Frequently asked questions

  • The ultimate in Hypnobirthing and Antenatal preparation. Tailored to suit you and your birthing needs. Get ready to feel informed, empowered and excited about your upcoming birth. Birthing With Love Hypnobirthing classes are private one-to-one courses, held in the comfort of your own home either on Zoom or in person, whatever suits you best?  I am happy to travel, however, if you are outside of a 5-mile radius of East Grinstead, there may be an additional travel charge.  If you are enquiring from further afield or even abroad, I am happy to hold the sessions online, via Zoom.

  • If you have booked an in-person course and changes in government guidance mean that we cannot meet physically, then the course will still go ahead but will transfer online.  You will be sent a link to a zoom login and your course materials will be posted to your home. If you are ill, then we can work on rearranging your session (dependent on availability).

  • So much!!!!  You will receive a premium course, packed full of information, ensuring you are ready for birth plus you will receive some beautiful supporting course materials and welcome goodies for you and your baby:

    • Hypnobirthing Textbook by Marie Mongan

    • Supporting course handout book - your guide for labour and birth

    • MP3 Audios - Hypnobirthing Affirmations and Relaxation track

    • Welcome goodies for you and your baby

    • My support in between sessions and in the lead up to your birth

    • Follow up emails with additional links and useful documents

    • Online library of info to help you access further information should you need to

  • At any time.  However, I recommend waiting until you are at least 20 weeks pregnant and starting no later than 35 weeks.  It is best to have a few weeks after the course finishes to put into practice what you have learnt. If you are closer to your birthing time and would still like to do a course, we can plan the sessions around your due date, so that you get the benefit of the full course in a shorter timeframe.

  • If you have meditated in the past or have experienced guided relaxations then you may find hypnobirthing relaxations easier to get into at first.  However, you do not have to have any previous experience to get the full benefit of relaxing and unwinding.  

    During most of the sessions, you will have the opportunity to lay back and relax.  The relaxations are designed to slow you down and allow your mind and body to enter a really lovely place of calm.  It’s a great opportunity to take you away from the stresses of daily life and allow you to relax and unwind.  You are encouraged to listen to a relaxation track every day in your own time too.  The more you practice relaxation the easier it gets.

    The relaxation element is just one part of the course, there are so many other areas that you will be exploring.

  • That is not possible.  There is no one way of hypnobirthing.  There are so many tools that you learn and you can pick and choose what works for you.  

    During the birth, some women stay quiet and others roar, some use other forms of pain relief whilst others just work with their own breathing.  The most important thing is that Hypnobirthing takes the fear away from birth and keeps you calm and in control.

  • Then have one… this is your baby and your birth and you can do what you like!  However, it is thought that women are less likely to turn to pharmacological pain relief if they are hypnobirthing.  This is mainly due to the fact that hypnobirthing keeps you calm and the tools work really well as a form of pain relief.

  • You can still prepare for birth using hypnobirthing.  So many of the techniques help you to have a more enriching pregnancy as well as birth.  Contact me to book a private Caesarean Birth course to fully prepare for the best belly birth you can imagine!

  • • HypnoBirthing relaxation techniques

    • Birth Affirmations

    • Hypnobirthing breathing techniques

    • How to work with your body and your baby

    • How to get the most out of pregnancy

    • Self-hypnosis

    • How to prepare your birth space

    • How to ease your baby into the world

    • The role of the birth partner

  • That’s not what it’s about but it can definitely help towards reducing discomfort and many women do report a pain free birth or at least less pain in labour compared to previous birth experiences. When you take away the fear and learn to relax, your body can achieve amazing things.

  • Absolutely, I have worked with mothers having VBAC births, health conditions, and a variety of special circumstances.  Hypnobirthing is for any type of birth and can even help to make pregnancy and birth a lot smoother and more relaxed.  I will help you to explore your options and choices too.

  • I have created a carefully designed course based on years of knowledge and experience. If you sign up for a Birthing With Love course, you are in good hands and can be sure to receive good quality, evidence-based information.  I completed my Hypnobirthing training with the HypnoBirthing Institute, the teacher training created by Marie Mongan - the founder of Hypnobirthing. Mongan Method Hypnobirthing courses are accredited by the Royal College of Midwives. I have a Cert HE in Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond with the University of Worcester and I hold a up to date licence to practice as an NCT Antenatal Teacher, studying up to a Level 5 to get my licence. Recently, I also enhanced my hypnobirthing training with a Love Your Birth Training Course to make my courses more dynamic and engaging. I did my Doula training with When Push Comes To Shove and I am an Artemis Birth Attendant Academy Lecturer. In addition to this I regularly attend CPD days to keep my knowledge up to date. You are in good hands!

There are lots of cheap, quick courses out there. But a Birthing With Love Hypnobirthing course is in-depth and packed full of information that you simply cannot squeeze into a one-day intensive class or over the course of a weekend.

    The classes are spread out over 4 sessions, giving you the opportunity to work at your own pace, not to feel overwhelmed and giving you the opportunity to digest and practice the information we cover in each class.

    This gives you the opportunity to learn in between sessions and ask questions as you go along. 

    The result is a deep understanding of birth, the opportunity to reflect and slowly release fears and anxieties surrounding birth (which may not even be clear until later in the course).  Some of the more intensive courses can leave you with countless questions and confusion about what to do if birth takes an unexpected turn. 

    Birthing With Love families come away feeling empowered, informed and excited about the birth, ready to tackle the unpredictable and enjoy the miracle of bringing a baby into the world.

    Don’t worry if you are closer to your birthing time, get in touch and we can arrange and plan the sessions around your dates.

  • Yes, I have created some additional Beyond The Bump classes that will get you ready for life with a newborn.  You can book these optional stand-alone or bolt-on sessions individually or why not book all of them as part of a premium hypnobirthing package?  Get fully prepared for birth and parenting and save money at the same time?

    Beyond the Bump classes:

    * Practical Baby Care

    * Breastfeeding - The Essentials

    * Postnatal Planning

    You can also book extra birth preparation sessions, such as:

    * Additional fear release sessions

    * Breech baby session

    * Induction

    * Pregnancy relaxations

    * Caesarean birth session

    * Homebirth session

    Check out my course pages for more info and pricing.

  • A Birth Doula is a trained professional who offers practical and emotional support to a birthing mother, her birth partners and family. I will guide and support you in your pregnancy, help you to prepare for birth and be your continuity of care during your birth. There is no change of shift with a Doula, I will be there from the moment you need me, in any birth setting and for any type of birth. I will even help you settle into life with your newborn and support your for the first few weeks after your baby arrives. I will be your advocate, your sounding board and help to facilitate the birth that you are planning. If there is a change of plan, I will be there to support you every step of the way.

  • A Doula does not replace your birth partner/s. A Doula is there to support you and your chosen Birth Partners, so that they can be there for you and experience the birth with you, without having to feel out of their depth, rushing around, organising and preparing. It is my role to help everyone feel calm and connected. I use my intuition and experience of birth to support you to have a positive birth experience, however your birth unfolds and wherever you plan to have your baby.