What is HypnoBirthing?

Did you know... the way you think about birth can affect the way you birth?

Your thoughts can have a direct effect on the way our body behaves.  

Changing your mindset around labour and birth can have a profound effect on your pregnancy and birthing experience.

You wouldn’t imagine a training coach saying to an athlete “Just wing it!” or “there’s no point even trying”. Success comes from believing in yourself, trusting your abilities, practising and putting in the time to be the best version of yourself.  Birth is no different…

So why do we programme women NOT to plan the birth of their dreams? Or expect them NOT to cope with the pain? Or even expect the pain in the first place?  Because we hear about all the bad bits and very rarely hear the many amazing birth stories out there.  This puts us on the back foot from the very start.

HypnoBirthing teaches you to reframe your thinking and create a positive mindset around birth. 

You begin to believe and trust that YOU CAN DO IT! 



“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change” 

Marie Mongan, founder and creator of HypnoBirthing


Don’t be misled by the name ‘HypnoBirthing’ you will not be made to do things that don’t feel comfortable.

There is no mind control involved, I promise! No pendulums, no chanting, no naked birth dancing around a fire in the forest, chanting mantras (although no one would stop you from doing that of course), this is not what HypnoBirthing is about.  

You will learn about the science and true physiology of birth, helping you to get rid of common misconceptions and fears that are often deeply embedded in our subconscious.  You will discover how closely the mind and body are connected and learn how to stay relaxed and in control, using relaxation techniques such as breathing, visualisations and affirmations. 


It’s a connection of the mind, the body and the soul.  Enjoy and experience birth for what it is… The miracle of life.


Everyone is entitled to a positive birth experience, however, you give birth.

HypnoBirthing is about connecting mothers, partners and families.  It is about learning to relax, breathe and let go of negative thoughts, emotions and the stresses of everyday life, that so often inhibit the mother’s body from functioning at its best.  

HypnoBirthing is for everyone and every type of birth such as VBACs (vaginal birth after a caesarean), caesarean births, induced labours, water births and in every setting - home, birth centre and hospital births.

Check out the full range of HypnoBirthing courses available to find the perfect one for you.

No one can guarantee that you will have the perfect birth, however, the techniques that you will learn will enable you to have a more positive birth experience, feel relaxed, in control and empowered to make decisions that are right for you and your baby.