The Birth of baby Theodore Arlo

My story with hypnobirthing,

I was pregnant and lost in a pandemic until I found Yvette, I was an anxious wreck about birth after hearing loads of horror stories. I started my classes and instantly felt calmer about what I was to expect, we covered so many aspects it was easy to take it all in.

I became less anxious and more relaxed. 

So here came the day I was to go into labour, I used some of the techniques Yvette showed us and my husband helped me remember the breathing during surges and massaged my back.

I always wanted a water birth, so this is what we requested.  I found the midwives at the Princess Royal Hospital in Hayward’s Heath amazing, they maintained a calm atmosphere. 

I had a natural and wonderful birth and welcomed my baby boy into the world on 23/01/21

I can’t recommend Yvette enough for all her help and support.

Theodore Arlo Tomlinson, 7lb 7oz, 18.8”

Get in touch to find out how a Birthing With Love course can help you too.

Yvette Szarzynska

I’m a Hypnobirthing Practitioner & NCT Antenatal TeacherI love everything about birth and babies! 💕


The empowering home birth of baby Marnie


My home birth story! Wow, where to begin…