Clarisse and Bobby’s birth experience

“Having gotten to know Yvette through her antenatal classes/hypnobirthing courses we were delighted that she accepted to also be our doula for the birth of our first child.

We had planned a natural home birth and she helped us prepare everything from our birth plan to creating the right environment and mood to welcome our baby.

My baby ended up being 3 weeks past my due date and during that time Yvette was my rock in helping me to navigate the healthcare system who were pushing me to get induced which I really didn’t want.

With her unwavering support and daily check ins I was able to hold out and went into labour naturally which I’m so grateful for. She held space for me as my labour progressed at home and her presence meant my husband was able to be by my side the whole time.

In the end I had to go into hospital to get a c-section due to my baby’s position (after trying to reposition him for many hours) and Yvette stayed with us right up until I went into the operating theatre - a whopping 30 hours later!

It’s hard to express how amazing she was and how much her care and attention got me through our birthing journey. Even though it didn’t go to plan her support meant I was able to use all my breathing tools and even in hospital I could stay relaxed enough to make the right decisions for me and my baby.

She is a gifted birth practitioner and someone you would absolutely want by your side no matter what your birthing preferences are. She’s an angel!”

Clarisse and Bobby.

Get in touch to find out how a Birthing With Love course can help you too.

Yvette Szarzynska

I’m a Hypnobirthing Practitioner & NCT Antenatal TeacherI love everything about birth and babies! 💕


Rosie and Alex’s first baby- home, water birth experience


The empowering home birth of baby Marnie