Yvette Szarzynska Yvette Szarzynska

How bad is the pain of giving birth?

Many people will even go as far as saying that “giving birth is the most painful thing you will experience in your whole life”, others will use it as a common comparison to describe the severity of pain, saying things like “It was worse than childbirth!” Or “You’ve had a baby, you can cope with having your ingrowing toenail operated on!”.

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Yvette Szarzynska Yvette Szarzynska

My unassisted home birth-born into the toilet!

As with all three of my boys, I had used the tried and tested techniques of HypnoBirthing. We learned the original, Mongan Method of HypnoBirthing for the first time in 2009 and the tools and techniques have never failed us. We loved it so much, that after the birth of our second baby, I decided to retrain as an NCT Antenatal Teacher and HypnoBirthing practitioner, to help others and share my knowledge and passion.

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